Friday the 13th Wiki

Sandra Casey is a character in the film Friday the 13th Part Vll: The New Blood in which she is portrayed by Heidi Kozak. During the film she was Russell´s girlfriend.


Girlfriend to Russell, Sandra's most likely only with him for his money, but loved the sex with him. During the party she tries to keep David from destroying stuff in Russell's uncle's cabin. And trying to cheer Russell up since he was upset about the mess that everyone was making there. Sandra was the only other girl at the party besides Maddy who went out of there way to be nice to Tina. As seen when she kindly smiles and yells hi to her when she first arrives at the house the one morning. And her smiling and yelling hi again when Nick introduces Tina to her, Robin and Maddy. She also acted like she thought Melissa was being mean when she said "Nice outfit. Looks like her mom dressed her." And Sandra saying "Melissa!" in a scolding manner like she thought that was being mean. When Melissa along with a duped Eddie made fun of Tina the morning before everyone (Sandra included) was killed she looked slack jawed at Melissa like she was shocked that she could be so mean to Tina with Melissa making fun of her being a former mental patient. She also seemed to be one of the few people concerned about Kate's and Ben's relationship issues alongside Russell. Later that night, Sandra goes out for a walk early in the night with her boyfriend Russell and she goes skinny dipping in the lake. She tries to entice him into joining her but he refuses so she continues undressing to get into the water, and dives under water and then starts to swim. She continues to try to entice Russell talking all sexy to him saying "You need a formal invitation?! Russell party for two right this way please!" She then goes under water.

7-6-sandra-drowning 528 poster

Sandra's death at the hands of Jason Voorhees

While she goes under water Jason appears and kills her boyfriend Russell by axing him in the face, then when she bobs back to the surface of the lake she sees his dead body and starts to scream. This makes Jason start to chase her by going into the water, scared not knowing what to do she starts splashing and treading water and continuing to scream non stop. Jason then appears from below her and grabs her from one foot to then drown her in Crystal Lake. Her corpse would be later found by Tina Shepard along with Maddy Chambers´, Kate's, Amanda Shepard's, Michael's (which was also found by Nick and Crews), and Russell Anthony Bowen's corpses. Their corpses of along with the corpses of, Ben, Michael, Maddy, Crews, Jane, Dan, Robin, Amanda Shepard, Russell, and Judy, the one-eyed corpse of Kate and the heads and headless corpse of Eddie and David were found and taken away to a morgue by police and paramedics, but the corpse of Melissa was destroyed with the Shepard house. Nick and Tina survived and were taken to the hospital.



