Friday the 13th Wiki
Steve Christy
Known Relatives:

David Christy (father)

Louise Christy (mother)

Catherine Christy (sister)

First Appearance: Friday the 13th (1980)
Status: Deceased
Portrayed By: Peter Brouwer

Steve Christy was a character in the film Friday the 13th.


Steve Christy was the man responsible for attempting to re-open Camp Crystal Lake, over Pamela Voorhees objections after years of disuse, allegedly spending a year fixing it up and $25,000 to do so. He also hired new camp counselors to assist him in both repairing the camp and helping to run it afterwards. He was attracted to Alice Hardy and liked her paintings and thought of her as a talented artist and very pretty.

However Camp Crystal Lake never reopened, as Pamela Voorhees, a former camp cook, was determined that the

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Steve´s death at the hands of Pamela Voorhees

camp remain closed. She accomplished this by killing nearly all the new counselors and she killed Steve Christy by stabbing him in the stomach, as he approached her after being dropped of by Sergeant Tierney on a rainy night. His corpse was later found hanging in a tree by Alice Hardy when she fled from Pamela.


Steve's dream of reopening the Camp led Pamela to go on a mass murder spree that cost him and all of the other counselors he hired their lives beginning with a cheerful and spirited young girl named Annie Phillips, save for one who defeated her and slew her. This activated Jason, who was a witness to her death to avenge her murder and take her place as the killer of anyone who would dare reopen or trespass on the campgrounds or the surrounding area. His corpse along with the corpses of Bill, Ned, Jack, Annie, Brenda, and Marcie and the headless corpse of Pamela (not her head because Jason took it himself, he also took her sweater and the machete Alice used to kill her) were found and taken away by police and paramedics.



  • Friday the 13th (1980)

