Friday the 13th Wiki

Tommy Jarvis is a playable character in Friday the 13th: The Game. He assists the counselors in surviving against Jason Voorhees after certain conditions are met.


Tommy becomes playable if a counselor is able contact him through a radio at Camp Crystal Lake. Once contacted, a player whose counselor was killed or escaped will be randomly selected to control Tommy.

He spawns on the map equipped with a shotgun, walkie-talkie, and a map. He also has superior stats, but can be killed like any other counselor character.


  • Tommy is the only character that has semi-permanently killed Jason and did so as a small child in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (which was not, as the title suggests, the final chapter of anything). Tommy is also the one responsible for resurrecting Jason in Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986).
  • He is portrayed by Thom Mathews, who played Tommy in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives.
  • He is the only counselor character that can kill Jason, though he needs assistance from a female counselor to do it.

